Posted by: Josiah (KE0BLL) | December 12, 2007

On Flexibility At FIM

When we talk about being unique, our flexibility is usually the first topic to come up.

Flexibility has been a cornerstone of Fellowship International Mission since its founding in 1950. Wherever missionary work has prospered, there seems to have been freedom to move quickly and decisively to seize opportunity for the sake of Christ.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ is still the Lord of the Harvest; that it is still HIS work to send out the workers. This being so, it is not necessary or desirable to check and double-check His leading as it is understood by a church or its missionary. It is certainly wrong to elevate a mission board to His place of authority – to insist that sending churches and missionaries conform to the kind of rigidity and inflexibility that often results.

Flexibility helps to guarantee that missionaries have room to move obediently, speedily, and efficiently in response to openings for the Gospel. They know that they can do this with a minimum of restrictive policy or administrative red tape.

You can learn more about what makes us unique here.

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